Well, today I had the day inspired and even had time to write a story. A miracle considering that it took no time ... Hope you like it, the argument is halfway between various things, and was a bit improvised at the end (other end was much more cumbersome in mind.)
Well, here you have it:
The clock read quarter past eight in the kitchen and ready for breakfast, the coffee was getting ready to blow the whistle of a sudden, they were toast and preparing to jump into the toaster, the jam pot was already out of the cupboard and oranges parade one after another for the juicer where they took off their juice. On had dawned calm, with hardly any clouds in the sky but with the proper cold mid-winter cold which made the car woke up with a layer of ice on his body.
- Honey, I have everything ready - cried the woman who had spent the last fifteen minutes the kitchen preparing breakfast.
The woman picked up the freshly roasted on a plate and placed it on the table. He poured the steaming coffee cup still high, white, and the juice that she had squeezed into a glass. Beside this, he also left the jam jar half-open with a knife at his side. Just then, her husband arrived.
- Good morning - greeted her after giving him a loving kiss -. You do not have good face, did you sleep well this night?
- No, not very well - said the woman taking a hand to his temple -. I've been with a terrible headache since yesterday, but hey, nothing good can solve aspirin.
- I hope - said her husband -. And do not eat breakfast today?
- Right now I do not want - she answered -. Desayunaré and later.
The man just nodded his head as he hit a sip of his coffee and began to spread apricot jam on one of the slices. She smiled slightly and went a cupboard, where he longed for the aspirin. He poured himself a glass of water, and swallowed the aspirin. With a quick gesture, began to clean the juicer and the knife that had cut the oranges in half. Her husband ate breakfast in silence, barely making a sound, only heard the sound of the cup to sit back on the table and the crunch of the bread.
- Julia, I heard on the radio that will represent a work of Lorca at the Theatre - gave one on the coffee and went on -. The House of Bernarda Alba , I think. Lorca Not one of your favorite writers?
- Yes it is - she said juicer draining the newly cleaned water.
- Are we going then? - He said -. It is this Friday night. I do not know, I think we should get out a bit, we took a long time without leaving home.
- De acuerdo – respondió Julia -, pero encárgate tú de comprar las entradas, por favor.
He responded with a simple nod and drank what remained of coffee, hit a last bite of toast and drank a glass of juice in one gulp. He said it was to remove the bitter taste of coffee in the mouth, he wanted to leave the house with good taste. Took the items and put them in the sink. He gave a fleeting kiss to his wife and taking his coat and briefcase, left the house.
The clock could be heard far more disturbing and relentless in its pace. It was already quarter to nine. Lack while he'll be thought Julia. Cleaned as used by her husband and left to dry in the landfill, and began to prepare another breakfast: chocolate chip cookies brought one of the cupboards and put them in a small dish, set to boil some milk and took the bottle of Cola Cao, pulled out of the refrigerator for a juice box, and chose the best tangerine orchard. On the tablecloth also left a cup with a picture of a punk group rundown over the years, but provided everything as if that was also breakfast for her husband. When I thought everything was ready, it was agreed one thing, and getting slightly on tiptoe, turned on the radio that was right on top of the refrigerator, and after they take a little dial wheel, he found what he wanted: a radio station. Seconds later, the intercom rang. They were not the nine o'clock.
- Yes? - A slight smile filled the face of Julia to hear who it was - Yes, it is gone, you can upload.
opened the gate, opened the front door and waited in the hallway, with impatience and excitement. The sound of the elevator told that the long-awaited visit had already arrived, and spent only a few seconds until it appeared in the doorway: it was a guy in his early twenties, thin and tall, with disheveled hair and a brave smile on his face. Smiled upon entering and giving a kiss on the cheek to Julia, said
- Good morning, Mom - and after observing it for a few seconds he said -. You do not have good face, do not you sleep well?
- No - said she -. You know I've been a season where I have not slept at all well. Recent events in this family produce either insomnia.
- Ah, you mean the fact that my father has driven away? - Dropped his half-laughing child.
- I do not feel like joking, César - said her mother sternly -. Come in, I have prepared breakfast.
The two went to the kitchen, and Caesar sat in front of your hearty breakfast. In the environment still noticed the smell of coffee and warm bread.
- I see that my father has not changed their habits breakfast - Caesar said after observing the cup, said -. Oh, I can not believe that has not yet thrown out the window sent my cup of the Ramones!
- Your father does not comment on you, remove anything not sent yours throughout the house.
Caesar nodded and began to realize the Cola Cao and cookies. The radio broadcast in that time a song by a group of fashion and humming absently, ignoring anything else. His mother sat beside her, to see how he ate.
- Where did you sleep today?
- At home a few classmates - Caesar said after swallowing a biscuit in her mouth -. The truth is that people are wearing, no one asks questions intrusive.
- Do they know? - Julia asked, lowering the tone.
- No, Mom, as I understand not posting there.
Julia closed her eyes and threw himself back in his chair, stroking his forehead. The head was hurting even more than before in spite of taking the aspirin, had the impression that this was going to be a tough day. Caesar remained on the sidelines, happy breakfast and without apparent concern. Once finished the cocoa, attacked mercilessly and juice in one gulp and had drunk a glass, poured another, and after giving a small sip, he began to peel the tangerine.
- What are you supposed to do now? - Asked Julia sitting up in his seat.
- I do not know - said Cesar -. Until now I had wondered what to do if my father take me home. Never mind that a week has passed, I'm still confused.
- I tried to get the track to your father on several occasions - Julia took a slice of tangerine and -. ate But no way, always refuses, says he loves you at home while you are what you are.
- While I am what I am ... still believe that there must be some kind of cure for my failure, right?
- That's right - and taking the hand of his son, continued -. talking Just be nice to visit a medical specialist, a psychiatrist or a neurologist.
Caesar got rid of her mother's hand and got up from his chair in a moment.
- But do you think? "That I'm an object of study? - And punto de echarse a llorar, siguió -. No es un capricho, es lo que soy y nadie me podrá cambiar
- Cariño, cálmate, nadie dice que seas un objeto de estudio ni mucho menos – Julia respiró hondo -. Pero lo que hiciste ese día…
- ¿Qué? - Caesar interrupted, raising the tone - What, was disturbing? You do not know what is loaded with it from kid.
- Caesar, move and explode things with my mind! - Cried Julia also rising and looking at the eyes of his son -. You made a bottle of disintegrating into tiny little pieces. And you spent the last Christmas dinner things moving you from place to your cousin, I mean to bring your bad, but not just do these things, and luckily nobody noticed it was you! Do not tell me you see all this is normal because it is not.
- No, I do not see normally, but do not know why I do it, nor understand what my father has driven away. - Caesar shouted back.
The glass of juice until a moment ago had been leaning on the table, half empty, broke into tiny chunks that hit both a César como a su madre, pero sin causarles daño, mientras el líquido de su interior se derramó por toda la superficie de la mesa. Los dos se quedaron mirando el sitio donde momentos antes estaba el vaso con cara de sorprendidos.
- Lo ves – gritó César señalando el líquido derramado -. Estas cosas sólo me pasan cuando estoy nervioso, como cuando papá me estaba riñendo por lo de la prima Alicia, que hice estallar la botella de vino. ¡No are things you want to happen!
- why we have to go to a doctor, can be dangerous - said her mother -. Imagine what you can get to explode. You do not have control over your mind.
- And what doctor you plan to take? - Asked César with desperate irony in his voice - A doctor specializing in the mind wonders, in supernatural powers or mutational changes?
- No joke, César - begged his mother -. This is very serious.
- You 've noticed that I can enter the X?
- Caesar, shut up! - Ordered his mother giving him a slap.
Caesar took a hand slapped cheek and staring at her mother, said:
- I'm going, Mom, do not expect me tomorrow for breakfast - took the jacket he had left in the back of the chair and walked into the hall, but before he turned -. Professor X may itself want me as I am.
Julia was still in shock and did not react to Hearing these last words of his son. She saw him leave the kitchen and then she left behind, on the verge of tears of regret, sadness and pain. Caesar was already on the floor landing and saw that the elevator was busy, decided to descend the stairs. His mother came to the door when it started to fall.
- Caesar - Julia shouted in a desperate attempt to recover his son.
This , hearing the call from his mother, turned his head to see it, with the bad luck that when I look back, stepped wrong one step, slipped and fell to rolls down the stairs. A fatal fall. Once reached the next landing, he lay on the ground, with occasional bleeding wound and bruises all over his body. Julia saw the accident, he ran from his apartment and saw the stairwell of the lifeless body of her son. He leaned against the wall, and sitting on the floor, began to mourn and his mouth came the deepest cries out of his agony knew. He kept repeating his name constantly, as if convinced that if repeating his name many times, he would return to life. The neighbors, the noise scared the fall and the heartbroken cries Julia, left their apartments to see what was what had happened. One of them approached the body of Caesar claiming to be a doctor, and confirmed the expected: Caesar had no pulse and his fall had been fatal, had broken his neck. Another, the neighbor across from Julia, came to her to comfort her and try to stop screaming. Julia, seeing her kneeling beside him uttering words of encouragement shouted
- Silence! - And hitting his hand on the ground, continued -. My son died normal, no one says otherwise. It was a normal guy!
Well, I hope you liked it, and if you like, you can comment, which never hurts.
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