Imagine you go to sleep and wake up in another country. Miracle? Surrealism?
Nope. Catalonia voted for its independence (once again, I guess) and the activists say they'll go further (now that people have showed their support). Kind of "Good bye, Juan Carloooos". Well, nothing new so far. The crazy thing is I only found it out when a nice guy called me from outside (a very independent outside itself indeed) to tell me about The Referendum. Even the foreigners were invited to vote (yupii!! could have been my day). Unfortunately, the lack of publicity and no cookie campaign sealed the fate: I didn't go. But if I had, I'd have probably voted for it. Not that I see any difference in how a place is called (actually hate politics), but if it could make people happy (if not, why would they have bothered going out with the weather like this?), let it be. And what the hell does it really matter that the results will never be recognized oficially? And the fact that the participation rate wasn't particulary high... once again, it's the lack of cookie campaign - look at Russia, when you go to vote, they sometimes give you some gift (not that it could be somehow useful to anyone, but still); should have actually think of taking it and strolling away without entering the damned cabin with a surveillance camera XD, but I'm too much a patriot for that.
P.S. If anyone wants an official source, here you go .
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