Saturday, January 30, 2010

Low Cut Strapless Bra

Mejorando el Mundo

Anteayer todo el día fue dedicado a las entrevistas de trabajo (es decir perdido).
Primero nos convocaron a la no-se-que de la ONU. Aparte de darnos la información official (the powerpoint was nice, of course) cojonudísima what that was, is and will remain the organization, invited us to start our race there and devote our lives to save the world. Well, save the world or make a site a little better I feel good, but let us see how you can contribute.

What we offered was basically pointer volunteers to various projects. Translation: you go to the end of the world to do Goodness apañándote with housing and food for yourself. What's hot?

Well, if it were in Europe or the former Soviet territory as I dared to launch into this adventure. But I guess I can survive very well in Africa on my own. Yes, yes, the imagination always failed, what can you do?

worth mentioning that everything they told us already knew the organization's Web site. That is, if you read it yourself, do not really need to go to that you read it aloud.

The second part of the event was more fun, as the uncle of "human resources" gave us some guidelines on how to focus your career. Many of them and had deduced before, but it was nice to know I was right. The style seemed rather to a conference of Dale Carnegie (not that I was gone, but I imagined that) and, well, some are really useful, though.

After returning home and watch the direction of the second interview I had, I realized that I had been there and I did not like anything. Not that I got too demanding, but the interviewer's first question was, "So what will you call?". Yes, verrry promising beginning. This time the guy I played was nice and - wow! - I knew what I had called. So see what happens: sometimes find work, now I have to learn to eat less than 3 times a day.


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