Title: Madness.
Fandom: Harry Potter .
Characters: Lizbeth & Carol (OC's)
Moments Moment: 06. Madness.
Disclaimer: Property of JK . Everything but us.
- Twenty-five! "Coco the phone to hear the cry of the length and breadth of the corridor. Several people turned to her, but she just wanted the attention of someone special. Was small jumps, waving a hand. Beside him, Blaise Zabini looked at like a crazy.
suddenly a light brown straight hair to mid back during the race after a poor child's second year.
- Brat, back here now! She ordered, while pushing a Ravenclaw throwing his books on the floor. Three other students pushed Masy insults threw a pair of air before reaching the boy and wrap your arms ... ...
-Dejamethese insane ... all Gyffindor are l-mad ...
- Ja! Liz-held, without hearing the complaints of the small, while looking around in a gesture of victory. As if he to win an Olympic medal or something. Looked around until his eyes got together with Carol Brown. Thirty!
The aforementioned eyes narrowed.
- Embracing children in first and second is not worth! "Complained a high voice, right in the ear of Blaise. Who believed then run out eardrum.
's not true. "His friend came up smiling and raising his eyebrows. We said we did not if they are unconscious.
-invent rules. "Sure
no, I have five more than you.
Just then they spend about another child. But this was third. The lowest smiled and pointed to Slytherin.
- Tu! -Directed and child stop and look at an angry gesture in the face to see that house was. Gryffindor. Come here and hold me now!
- What demonized you ...?
-Ap, ap, ap. "I stopped, as he gave his three golpesitos prefect badge with the index finger. I am prefect, so come here and embrace.
The boy took a step, ready to go. But she ran to her side and hugged him quickly. Although it seemed more a push than a hug.
"That's so unfair. "Complained Perse folding his arms.
The muchca back smiling. Twenty-six
. -Is recodeo facing each other.
"I took four-LCME ... his arm to check the time. 10:57 -. There are only three short minutes.
Carol put her hands on her hips.
"I will conquer. "He said.
"I doubt it.
So as if by magic , a group of Slytjerin of the same year appeared walking down the hall. A smile came over the face of the two girls. They knew the rules: they could not embrace twice to the same person, the person (or better, snake) had to be conscious, could force the victim of any form, was not allowed to change the uniform to look like Huffleppuf Slytherin.
And before what is called "The Merlin calsonsillos" both undertook a race to the group of snakes as if his life depended on it. Colpo, nudged, pushed and stepped on roles in half of those to get their sweet and affectionate hugs.
"Thirty-one!" "Twenty-eight Veintisciete ..." "Terinta-two!" "Twenty-nine ... olle olle, him and hugged him! "" I know, it's so suavesito. "" Thirty! "
the end of the half marathon of Slytherin were in the ground very confused, pissed and ready to attack at the same time with different spells and pains. Liz and Carol
exchanged glances.
"Forty. "Said both at the same time, and then squint.
A tie? No, of course not. One had to win the award to Mrs. Norris kick. The other, well, the other was lose and do something that has not yet decided. But the prize was too good to let go.
- What are you two, Gryffindor inept, here? "The words were drawn and cold as well as derogatory tone. Do they think so little that they are not even capable of differentiating your home? Oh, yes, the dirty blood do not think ...
- Malfoy!
The blonde raised his eyes and instead of getting an answer, a spell or a stroke, Coco tube embracing the waist. It was ice cream, that's not what she expected at all.
The relog Liz rang. It was 11 o'clock.
- HE WON! "The cry estreidente caused to all other students remain silent. Draco was still in the same static position. Finally responded, looking at Carol with contempt. Blair
-off me, not even deserve to breathe my own air. "He commanded in a tone of anger, but did not do anything to zoom out. Not a push, or a spell, not an insult than that.
- Damn is! Lizbeth, "he complained as he pushed the Slytherin had considered" soft "and folded arms.
"Victory is sweet. Coco smiled as Draco finally Solat and stood next to Liz. Now, we are on the prize ... and I think my punishment.
- How to hit with a bat Whomping Willow?
"That is stupid and does not count as a punishment. Both
chatting away while the Slytherins were in a state of confusion elongated. The blond on the other hand remained in the same position in which it had been when he had embraced Gryffindor. Hands up and feel confusciĆ³n. Remained in the same way until it was McGonagall and her into the classroom. Although Draco had to call repeatedly to get him out of insimismamiento and Zabini was won by blow to the chin when he said he had a face of "virgin after receiving her first kiss."
Meanwhile, two friends take your personal list "Things that I have to do in Hogwarts" and crossed out the number 126 with a satisfied smile.
"I am not allowed to declare an official Hug a Slytherin Day"
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