Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Blank Jewelery Settings

Way to think... So, I'm there, in the classroom, kind of desperate, waiting for the first class of the  boring day : Science. One hour and a half of pure sleepy mood. But it turned to be quick :) Nice!

Bloody homework, I had to spent my small recess solving a whole page ._.

Next period, math class. Please God, be merciful and let this lesson be easy...
Do I have to speak louder? I obtained even more work to do.

English class was, neh, not really interesting, but at least, there is no homework, and I can go peacefully to eat my lunch. Munch, munch.

I have in my schedule french class, and we d r a w a lot :3 Yay, I really enjoyed it. My notebook had a room and a beach [and there was also a cat, nyu~ I love them. Maybe I will show you.]

Finally, the last activity of the day, swimming class, I had a great progress, since I don't really know how to swim <<U

But anyway, I had to stay one more hour, because I don't get to the school bus on time [Lame D;] I returned home with one of my friends, she is called Montserrat , and she told me a very funny joke xD
Let it be in English:  "¿Qué hace un Post-it en un poste? ... Postituyéndose"

Conclusion: The day wasn't that bad at all. Now you can understand why this LJ is called. Sun can always shine .

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone .


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