Sunday, May 22, 2005

Can Benzos Cause Impotence

Floor 16

are held by four small thin strings to four members. And suspended in the most cruel attitude, open a trap door beneath it which he discovered a fire burning: if the strings break, she falls. They were shaking, and a lecher sectional unloading. Sometimes in, he puts in the same attitude, it puts a burden on the kidneys and has much the four strings, so she is sore, so to speak, stomach and breaks the kidneys. It remains so until discharge.

- C. No te das cuenta you're not doing anything. look around, there is nothing. That is, what will you say that all these are your friends? I wish you could turn back yescucharlos. C. you're not going anywhere, you think you're living something in reality? Here the only thing there is despair. You think people actually smile? And she, she alguienpara think you are? C. Leave that alone, you do not have to come with me, I'm not a solution I agree, but at least promise to stop this shit.

ad populum

Supe walk the street in front Montparnasse à au red light. You can be the solution in such cases do piss on the street where he has walked in the lazy day seven Parisian bourgeoisie? Piss of step with joy Gaité Street. Happens, has happened to them? I appeal to your emotions. At the moment I leave the recontrucción Boris and Jeremy and I step into the vacuum the floor sixteen. Bogota as a truth, a night of lights and all the dead child and India courtesy of the two sides, yes sir, yes sir, send, if the order sir, yes sir you are absolutely right. A young Bogota with two laps, with those working parents, and at night all that energy that explodes in a line of cocaine. All parrot eggs lord of atomic parrot to the collective whole that or this. Yes of course the night is so different from the day, blah, blah - because the day is work and is spending the night, blah, blah, blah. The red light and the grotesque monstrosity of this Bogota Valle empericada Inclanesco there are only two jumps. One while returning to a street where he lived is claimed is the adequacy of just having the first floor on the way to the thirties. And the other that returns the spirits downstairs in the confirmation of their loss.

non sequitur

centers of walking by me I will not be satisfied no one, to the extent that I agree with what I'm walking. Ie anyone who does not walk will always be someone. A nobody in the most logical sense of the proposition would be one that is left to lead the life of those who believe they are. Being and becoming. Movement and lightness. Travel conclusive. Messianic talks. World changes. Field trips. Baseball games. Three Trapped Tigers foolishness, sadness mischief. I get to walk (I have) the certainty that reasonable inferences are shifting away from this nonsense.

- I liked my letters C .? I wrote just for you. Do not worry I do not try to seduce anyone. It is a poem. A small vacuum packed little shit. Or if you want dedicated to him, because as you say, and there I agree with you, you have to be emptied, yes, hitting the wall if you want. Left at times, but look, there are the Other. Yes, I know, I know I repeat myself. But to hear me one. What? ... She was? The shell of the parrot, did you say something? What? Who went? Why not call me before ché?

She leaves a few days, plus or minus five. it back in five hours of sleep. Il


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