Sunday, May 22, 2005

Solution For Nadi Dosh


sucer aimait à la bouche et à guarantees of saliva, et il perfectionne in guarantees faisant tous les jours, pendant neuf jours, Une petite doses of plomb fondu, entonnoir avec, elle Crève neuvième you

I love the nonsensical, hollow. Actually three. One synchronized with the heart pieces of wood, smooth, and the table where M. Playing chess with his grandfather asthmatic. Two glass eyes, glass sand of time, the earth's time that M. burial ground was India pirates off the coast. Three toothless. With a long eze delizioza ezzpeza time they talked M. and me.

already described, now I have:
Well, Mp is M wooden heart. M Mc
is glass sand in the eye of earth time.
and Mz, M azi speaking.

Mz : dezde vivimoz it well inside, no? ezcupeme deziaz me in the face, please feed me, feed your ezclava, puedez do what quieraz.

Mz, Mc, Mp: write? write for?

Mc: We left very early at six o'clock we walk the purple of Bogota, brick and tomorrow, enjoyment and a milk carton.

Mz, Mc, Mp: Write . Des describes. Excrive. It CRIVA ee, Write. Mz

: Loz riñonez fritoz zzon the best taste of urine. Fried urine. laz vacaz ezpezialmente zzon not reliable, we must turn the lamb, when cut zze canalez form where the left kidney zalir gotaz of urine, which PRODUZIR a delizioza combuztion with Azeite. Azen pizzzt. pizzzt.

Mz, Mc, Mp: write? write for?

Mp: pain returned. before gave me pain. I am now pain. I do not want. I disappear for any reference to your pain. I'm mourning you. it hurts and not me.

Mz, Mc, Mp: Write, Write, Write, Write. Write, Write, Write, Write.

Mp: Plus I resigned your humanity, you go leaving me. Do not stir myself.

Mz, Mc, Mp: write? write for?

She believes in combustión espontánea. in la búsqueda of a no territorio, en el desplazamiento continuo en lo simple y in the felicidad. It


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