Sunday, May 15, 2005

Ottawa Cruising Spots


saoluer Il fait battre et quatre raccrocheuses devant lui, veut et quand elles sont ainsi that well Saoul, vomissent elles lui dans la bouche, il les prend les plus et les plus laide Vielles possible

about giving life and giving death. women, procreation, giving life to death.
today, I read the book of madness.
hear Raul talks with God.
there in the white jacket of Mr. Raul
writhing on the stones from the elements.

yesterday in my hammock, I think the boy of twenty who are ill
my automobile ... Thanks Raul, I just think drunk in 'double sleeping sex':

'All that sex clean and pure as love
between the world and himself that fuck with everything beautifully
That stuff it up to a banana tree
It makes one Great culeador the whole universe-saddle
Remembering Walt Whitman

to ending one give to another man
For love One that has more small that the pigeon 'I love you with

adverb man is everything, the limit remains humanitarian aid, no, not humanitarian. man, I love you with all the demons humanely. Elle


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