Friday, June 10, 2005

Audiovox Walkie Talkie Instructions

mondieu! Philosophy

Prêtre dans interropt joins him messe dite chez lui, il l'interropt, dis - je, pour it Branle dans are calice, and oblige à faire la fille décharge you Pretre, celui-ci et à force le tout endorsements

experience the esperitualidad, consistency across different societies and cultures over time. religions and the transcendent, here and also here in their sad tropics. my image retrasmitidida Vatican radio while listening to a growl-dead father, risen after an even more evil reincarnation, souls all suffering, assassination attempts, of a universal divine agupta shiva, karyhani, ijshami, the three edges of peace.

I walked a precinct of silence, white walls, and the smell of meditation. a place outside of everyday life of the self. florez and women in habit, not a wrinkle on the face, women. Bogota
walked a boil, chapinero 'continue to Gladly, the little tray at 3,500, blackberry little juices out of my hammock ...', six color bands apparently distributed unevenly, enzarcofagué me in the hammock, to escape the weight of the in-transcendence, 'the sky so far and I so small ...',' mais pourquoi, je comprends pas laicité française, je vois rien de mauvais dans la recherche de trascendence ',' half of Bogota are thinking of stealing the other half and this half is usually not the poor. "
of rescued me love, not as an exercise of thought, I felt again the fire in my solar plexus, my heart broke in generosity, had to return to K:

' Love is something new, fresh, alive. No yesterday and tomorrow. It is beyond the brahunda of thought. Only the innocent mind know what love is, and the innocent mind can live in the world is not innocent. Finding this extraordinary thing which man has sought endlessly through sacrifice, worship, relationship, sex, through all forms of pleasure and pain, is only possible when thought can understand itself and comes naturally to an end. Then love has no opposite, then love does not conflict

She runs bv Sebastopol, Strasbourg St Denis, where a gangway Afro, clothing, leather and sequined, prepares a bestial download session. Trasendencia I wash of the pool, lost in the golden triangle of the town of Santa Fe.


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