fifty days ended.
end to living collected in the arithmetic of love Sade.
the blog continues.
now writing for four hands. Viajocon
you. you are my life.
today I let go of other newspapers. stay here.
this sixteenth day of janvier begins with a link to the Institute for Culture and turimos, there are eight categories to organize information, both eyes in a round-headed thinking, reading, writing, unadoble or with an arrow on top, like a vector, Internet links, a circle or, for all that is college academy, a j in the same circle, press , articles, reviews, an asterisk designates practical things, and addresses, a Dibut an Egyptian eye, film, audiovisual, a spiral gauchistas practices, and aesthetics, a point which emits waves musics. Avril
the twenty ezel end, 'I did not sleep now that I think the situation beautiful Conlan. then we must get out (in) from the seduction. can not be cold. from the cold and tried it and other things went well, s'en fout un peu. "
on August 13 there is a new email address, with the key hola1234, Internet links on the Marseille Tourist Office, 4, canebiere, 13001 Marseille, and notes on Via Campesina and the Confederation Paysanne 'ideologically we are with. "
the first of September, a well designated budget, accommodation, Crouse, mdo. weekly. calling cards, protable, but pocket. everything is written in pencil, some parts are already deleted. on November 24, towards the end is a text, inter-American dialogue, "the first theoretical possibility of love for love is accepted disconnections caused by selfishness, the second poisibilidad is the critical position, seeks new ways to leave the petty bourgeois pathos of the love songs of love ... and then is my selfish love as a relationship in which to be seduced by the world only to the extent feasible Images produced by the passion play match my autistic projections on a proposed outer self. " on December 10 is the end is drawing a map, cours lieataud, rue des Bergers rue de Loubière, search failed, l'equitable coffee, 27 rue de la Loubière. Dosmiluno
on March 9, 'I'm at the Luis Angel Arango I stopped thinking like I did all of last year, as I did last year, as I did all of last year, well that's not entirely true, now study some anthropology and I like it, plus I like my teacher ... but there is something in that laziness in people absolutely do not like, maybe that's why I do not like Bareta, but sometimes you have to follow the children. ... long time since I wrote, just as it does not Deij Day pee and jerk Peruvian necktie blushed if he piícito uncomfortable because I say, it is his problem not mine. "
on August 17. 'Returned. I need to outrun and she also strives to play but to say no. Cardenas urine and I can not talk, Bill sent me to Harvard. I'm coming over here in courage into the void. school as a sort of secret government. oh and they die the other is the appropriation. end phones, cristina, laura patricia, sergio, paola Alliance, Manhattan, Analu, Andrew, alejandro, thomas, baby, cop, Arteaga. and a list: call bull, patricia, john, j camilo, lor, daniel, Domes, andres, Augustus, fifth, Malagon, schedule-August, brazil mail buddies, práctca out, maetira France, thesis seminar, schedules, missing materials .
it comes with the title, called the book of the bilan, there are the same categories of books of the sixteenth of mars, with additional BLOG, and seventeen more topics to be reviewed periodically, one for supuesteo bilans book, two, Blog project, the three notebook, the four-hour agenda-organizer, five, recherche Echo six, grammaire, DALF, seven, recherce ademique, eight, writing, elnueve, s performance, ten, porno! the eleventh garbage links, twelve, associations, thirteen, GRESS, the fourteen life? the fifteen, drawing the eye, spiral and waves, and the sixteenth, cola, Latin American fascist group. avril twenty-eighth starts a list taken from the Barvi, Wetzer, Marzano, Klosowski, campagna, Ovid, Nancy Huston, Susan Gubar, Michel Aglietta, still lists beyond the fourteen juillet, elizabeth lowell, lisa jackson, sara michelle, anne west, 'the last comet of a travel diary of a panic attack mediatic good when I start to feel all that heat in the body that sense of parálisi, because I put between all these people and I do. "
Cinco de juillet, 'Here I am at my mother in Ibague, my mother spoke of earlier are not a whore, and then the story of the son of his father that left him in the street, I fell in love in this love third person. " The next day, a list: Tsarist Russia-Church-policing. dentenciones arbitrary, every revolution is arbitrary. everything starts in Petrograd in final moscú.al phone list backwards, amelicasaedgarfedekubalivnunciopaulsab.061066155601582000480664894264067907954506333156350677474389066327782560661322367063006292. on October 14 a new list, confirm arrival time lina, where I sent letters aisitios calls, one creteil, two, lina, photocopy, complete and send pass orange. reckoning.
on Monday three of avril, 'today I start another quixotic as desiempre, those that begin and never end, today I cut the beard and some hair, I remember that before this could become an event. when he reached her and is no longer equal meven. in August 99 when she said she had lost the spontaneity, and then now in March of two thousand in the Jorge Eliecer Gaitan ... I do not want to put so rigid on this issue that just started but I would like to leave it like mine, is not all bad leaving things (see you later). " the twenty-two, zero two, zero one a ticket via aces to medellin. 'X ate on Friday, although I have my doubts, also drank beer, my penis is fine, my mind dominates my body, my mind is controlled by breathing. "
the fifteen juillet, dricken pushing, ziehen: pull. before a list of plans, a, o = a DEA project, first choice of A, Caillé. comment next to the project with an arrow 'is horrible when I look at the things I write a week later I look so deceitful. " plan b, two shafts, erotic, seduction, body and lived experience. all in pencil, remember that it is an early date, a list of images without categories, sait pietro piazza is a big line, long line, look for the pieta. a list without dates, american airlains, January 8, dhl, named Amelia, faculty, metro, safe, prefecture, account, record check, shampooing, suitcase, green printer, delivering books. after blank pages.
it has a decal on the cover daft punk. a girl with no eyes and red hair. September 12, two newspaper clippings, 'Francis Fukuyama is professor of political económicae the Paul Nitze School of Hpkins Johns University in Washington. This essay is adapted from a conference in Melbourne on 18 August by the independent research center. Noam Chomsky is a political activist, professor of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and author of the bestseller, 9-11. " Coincidentally order which is dated September 12 with a list, nine Internet start shakespeare research, get money, get money, as is a visa? I work at IAJE in paris, buy ticket, go through rectory, bilan accounts. "
a change, especially in black ink. to UNHCR, f, of courses in French, and English, project p, travel v, dd, DESS and DEA, Zandra Pedraza zp, l literature. avril the two dd, institutional review half-hour, internet, and sorbonne IHEAL resau. motvación carte and prepared questions, call Gabriel. ep sacr expensive and discuss the project. the last page brings a telephone 2650279, and a list of music, orishas, pjharvey, souls, curupira.
back in pencil, not a chronological back. on March 12, 'hello leaf of vanity as your first page and the story of a dream is a vague recollection of Ibague and school. and memories of smoking a joint and the history of flight and the slow heat, easy to write you my love. those of Argentia candidates? Marcelo and Patricia Pucilli Walsh.está in and link. in the final pages, safe beyond the June 26, a story work, experiences, solutions and conditions. horoscope of a feudal monarchy. Otto Bauer, Austro Marxist. said, one day when you do not worry so much to be done to understand why the other and understand. and I feel all the time willing to negotiate. and there are times when I do nothing to seek conciliation. three pairs of pants, three shirts, seven shirts, two bags, a towel.
novembre thirty ink, Mme Carmen Bernard, M Jacques Saliba. 'I read what histoire liubre of caisena Leonora, in which what matters are the technic of identity construction. I feel important now to solve the problem of making contact by mail, sources consulted and searchable. another is to recognize that it is a very controversial topic then you have to work to develop a parallel subject is a hisotica approach to the problem of human trafficking. " to the fine is the first of June this year, the same round face with eyes painted, and all john diapora are Jairo. on June 2, work is what we can not be stolen.
design I like, in red and green acedémico, 25 janvier, go yesid Finch languages seventh floor, original request. end new phones new people, javier barrerea, August, house, marina, gerardom manuel, VINCET, Marcela Rozo, indiana, ecotourism, fernando, marcia, light angela rodriguez, patricia, paulalopez. nancy, christian. The book ends with a shot of some beaches of Tayrona park, pool, bukaru bread, Cpl. no swimming is dangerous.
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